I was working down Portaferry direction today, pulled in here to take this photo and listen to Robins Readings on Radio Ulster...you can listen now...click the link below!
BBC. Radio Ulster is running a series of humorous stories this summer , Low Country Boys have provided the backing music.. here are a couple of links which will keep you informed... click on the links below. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00t3nsk
Had a wee run up to Ballycastle the other week.. then across to Rathlin Island where King Robert The Bruce is said to have taken cover in one of the caves.. when hunted by the English... the cave can only be reached from the sea..look up Rathlin Island on the web!
A few we shots of things happening around the low country this week!
We were over at the recording studio on Thursday last putting down a wee instrumental tune or two ~ was down the harbour at Portavogie on Saturday the Portavogie boys were mending the nets! ~ this tidy outfit was lifting grass in the fields beside me...the harvester has two engines putting out around 750 horse power! i like the chrome exhaust pipes!