Monday, November 29, 2010

Aughentaine Presbyterian Church!

Hello everyone ...we got home safe at 12.30 am!...thanks for a great snowy evening and supper ladies of the P.W.G. !...SEE THE PHOTO ABOVE ..I THINK EVERYONE WAS SMILING!

see -yiz-soon...low country boys

Friday, November 26, 2010

New Album?

William at the mixing desk
Gibson saying to himself ........... is this the right chord?

A few weeks ago i mentioned that there might be a new album in the pipe line...well we were in the recording studio last night with gibo puttin some vocal and banjo tracks down!.I had a chat with William ( our recording man ) to see if he could squeeze me in for an hour or two to record a couple of wee tunes and songs i had been working on..he said that he could fit me in here and there with a few hours.. this has developed a little more and i have put down a few more tracks with songs that i sing when we are out as Low Country Boys, we will end up with a dozen tracks i think!. The style will be a little different as it will be songs that I sing the lead vocal in...i hope to upload some tracks shortly on our site to give you a flavour of it, there may be some friends helping out with a song or two but nothing is setteled just yet,it is touch and go if it will be out for Christmas and we will sell it from our web site and at concerts at first and will see about the shops after keep your eyes on for progress report!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ullans Columbanus Celebration,Belfast

Some Distingusihed visitors!
President Mary McAleese Dr. Ian Paisley

Dr. Gibson Bailie Young ! ! This is where low Country Boys were today, playing to the guests in the foyer as they gathered for the celebration of St. Columbanus..when asked if I enjoyed lunch I replied yip! it was great ..this time yesterday I was having a Pot Noodle for lunch, in the tractor!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ballydoonan Days

I am just in from a n evening book launch held in the Linen Hall Library in Belfast the author is Ivan Mckeown ,Ivan played with us years ago in a little Gospel band called Pathway Some folk who made it past security!
Pathway.. when we were young...back row Paul Greenfield,Ivan McKeown,Ivan McFerran

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Salvation Army ~ Belfast

Tonight Low Country Boys will be playing in Centenary House Calder Fountain Belfast @ 7.30 pm., we played here last year is a great privilege and a sobering experience, of all the events or places we have ever played over the years this one leaves an indelible mark on my memory!

click on this link

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Last night @ Drumhillery

Well folks it was good to share the evening with you...a special thanks to the ladies for all the nibbles..maybe we will see some of you at Fivemiletown in a few weeks time!..see current dates on our main page!....bye

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday 5th nov. @ Drumhillery

8pm tonight @ Drumhillery Presbyterian Church with Low Country Boys...see you there the lcb's!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Drumhillery Presbyterian Church

Fri 5th. nov. 8pm, Low Country Boys will be at Drumhillery Prebyterian Church..more details later.