Last night was a fund raiser for African missions.. a mission representative gave us a short talk on life out there and the great work being done!... a couple of the acts were unable to make it last night but the pictures show those who took part...Louise Martin was doing her first public performance and was backed by the Alastair Scott Ceilidh Band an wersels!...good to have shared the night with you all folks!...P.S. it was 1.30 am. when we got home and i had to be up at 4.30am. to get breakfast for my brother -in-laws dairy cows ( he's on holiday) that is his farm manager having a power shower in the picture above! just one of the perks you get when workin on a farm!..hey...go to our low country boys home page scroll down to the bottom and click on myspace, there is a we song we recorded about workin on the farm!! have a listen and see what you are missin!
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